Authoritarianism and he closing of democratic exhaust valves

What the Papers Say
La Prensa July 12
Sense seems to have flown out of the presidential office The popular uprising in Bocas has the executive determined to find a scapegoat to to calm the population.
There cannot, nor will not, be one. The unrest in the country is the direct result of the imposition of laws without consultation and intolerance to criticism, together with representative ministers who are impulsive fools.who foist the blame on the PRD and the alleged leaders of "left" and should start looking for faults in the Palace.
The people reject the lies and authoritarianism. We have often disagreed with both the speech and the modus operandi of some union leaders. Today we call to the rulers, to respect the leaders’ rights, which are the rights of all Panamanians. The President and the Minister of Security have increasingly pursued peaceful critics and closed democratic exhaust valves, leaving violence as an alternative. Caution and some wisdom are needed.