How much does it cost to advertise with NewsroomPanama.com?
We have three tiers of advertising. Please visit our Advertising page here for a detailed breakdown.
How long does my ad stay up on your site?
Your affiliated articles remain permanently on our website under “Guest Contribution”. For front page ads, we have a minimum duration of one week, and can extend from there. Please contact us.
What form of payment do you accept?
Payment can be made via Yappy (in Panama), ACH, Western Union, OFX or PayPal. We are working on other methods of payment for the future.
Does it cost anything to submit an article?
If you wish to submit a not-for-profit article, including a news article, journal entry or an opinion piece, we do not charge you a dime! You may also link your personal website or social media. You will NOT include sponsored or affiliate links.
Can I post an article with a paid/affiliate link, or advertise my book/event/website/business/etc?
Absolutely. Your post will be included in two of our daily news updates that we email out to our 3900+ subscribers every morning. Following that, your article will stay on our website permanently, unless otherwise requested. The price is $50 USD per article. Each article will be reviewed by the Newsroom Admin Team prior to posting and can be published within 24-hours of receiving instructions and payment.
I loved an article you posted and would like to know more about it. Who do I contact?
Thank you for letting us know! We appreciate any and all feedback when it comes to our content. Please contact us and we will try and steer you in the right direction.
I disliked an article you posted and have a complaint/would like to speak with you about it. Who do I contact?
Thank you again for taking the time to let us know. We remain neutral and unbiased when it comes to our content, but sometimes a guest writer may sway in a certain direction. This does not define the values held by Newsroom Panama. Please feel free to contact us.
Why does your website look different?
We are the new owners of NewsroomPanama.com since March 2024, and have decided to upgrade the website! In the meantime, we are still working out the bugs and glitches, so please be patient with us as we finalize everything.
I would like to receive your daily news emails. How do I sign up?
We are so happy to add you to the Newsroom Panama family. Please go to our homepage at NewsroomPanama.com and scroll down past the newest headlines to find a menu that says ‘Stay up to date’ on the right hand side. Type your email address in the provided box and click the CAPTCHA before clicking the ‘Subscribe Now’ button. You will now receive an email every morning. Welcome to Newsroom Panama!
I no longer wish to receive your daily news emails. How do I cancel my subscription?
No problem. In our email you received, scroll down to the very bottom and you will see a link that says ‘Unsubscribe from this newsletter’, click that and it will bring you to a page where you can confirm by clicking the button that says ‘Confirm Unsubscribe’. We are sorry to see you go!
I would like to find a certain article on your website, but there are so many!
No problem. Please go to our homepage at NewsroomPanama.com and scroll down past the newest headlines to find a menu that says ‘Search our Website’ on the right hand side. Type in a keyword, title or tag and search. Good luck!
One (or more) of your articles infringes on copyright laws, is inaccurate or seems problematic. Who can I contact?
Thank you for your inquiry. We take all requests seriously and will do whatever we can to appease the situation. Any articles dated 2023 and earlier were written by the previous owner and their staff, and we have no prior knowledge of where these articles originated. We are unfortunately unable to delete them in mass amounts as it affects our Google rating. Please contact us with the article(s) in question and we can discuss removal, editing or other options that will provide an easy and fair outcome for the both of us.
Can I add you on social media?
Yes! We are currently running a Facebook page and an X (Twitter) account. You can find our social media buttons at the bottom of this page.
We would love to have a representative from NewsroomPanama.com visit our hotel/restaurant/fair/talk/event for promotional purposes, and subsequently have an article/review published on your website. Who do I contact?
Thank you for thinking of us when it comes to your promotional needs. We are very happy to chat with you to come up with a plan. Please contact us with all of your inquiries.
Do you have Classified listings?
Yes! Do you have a property to sell in Panama? How about a house? A camera? Or are you looking to make yourself available for your next employer? Welcome to Newsroom Panama Classifieds! We are happy to unveil our introductory fee of $30 per month, per listing, which may include website or social media links and up to 5 pictures, as well as your contact information. For shorter or longer durations, please contact us.
Would you prefer to advertise through one of our three advertising tiers on our website and reach thousands of NewsroomPanama.com visitors monthly? Visit our Advertising page here.