President Mulino: You Can Rest Assured that the Panama Canal Will Remain in Our Hands Forever

Today, December 31, 2024, marks 25 years since Panama assumed administration of the Panama Canal, following the signing of the Torrijos-Carter treaties in 1977. This milestone marked the end of the US presence in the operation of the interoceanic waterway, which was under US control from its construction in the early 20th century until its final transfer in 1999. During the celebration of the 25 years of administration of the Panama Canal, the President of the Republic José Raúl Mulino maintained that he guarantees the neutral management of the interoceanic route. “There are no other hands in the Canal. You can rest assured that it will remain in our hands forever,” said Mulino from the steps of the Canal Administration Building. He also said that the perpetuity of the Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty, “which no Panamanian signed,” for the construction of the maritime route, was always questioned.

“This Canal must continue to be for Panamanians and to serve the world,” he added. Mulino stressed the importance of maintaining the progress achieved and facing the challenges that lie ahead. “The key, once again, is in evolution and not in regression,” said the president. He also stressed that one of the greatest current challenges is to ensure sustainable management of the water resources that feed the Canal. He also stressed the urgent need to move forward on key projects, such as the Río Indio reservoir. “The Río Indio project cannot be postponed,” he said, making it clear that the government will support all the Canal projects. During the event, the Vasco Núñez de Balboa Order was awarded to Miguel Guerra, who was the first collaborator hired at the Canal after the transfer of the interoceanic route. Present at the event were former President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo (2019-2024); José Ramón Icaza, Minister of Canal Affairs and Secretary of Goals; Ricaurte Vásquez Morales, Administrator of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP); María Eugenia López, President of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ); Maricel de Mulino, First Lady of the Republic, Ministers of State, among others.

The Panama Canal, a masterpiece of 20th-century engineering, proudly celebrates 25 years of successful Panamanian administration. From 2000 to 2024, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has delivered more than 28 billion dollars to the State, consolidating itself as a fundamental pillar in the country’s economic development. This figure contrasts markedly with the 1,879 million that the United States transferred during the 85 years in which it was in charge of its administration (1914-1999). At the cost of great sacrifice, Panama expanded the Canal, and in just a quarter of a century, the work has multiplied that contribution by 15 times. The relationship between Panama and the United States regarding the Canal was marked by tensions and inequalities since the signing of the Isthmian Canal Convention in 1903. This treaty allowed the United States control of the Canal Zone, establishing a significant military presence that included the construction of bases such as Fort Grant, Quarry Heights and Fort Amador in the Pacific; and Fort Sherman and Fort Davis in the Atlantic. These facilities were developed to defend the interoceanic route, consolidating the military character of the region.

According to the Permanent Forum on Foreign Policy – an organization that brings together various Chilean personalities with experience in international relations, politics and diplomacy – “it is unacceptable that the president-elect of the United States tries to impose a narrative of arrogance and dominance that ignores the efforts and sovereign rights of the Panamanian people.”