Rainy season looms, 2 dengue deaths

Two deaths have from been recorded from dengue virus, transmitted by the Aedes aegypti female mosquito reports the Ministry of Health.
The deaths, a man and a woman were recorded ported in the corregimiento of José Domingo Espinar, in San Miguelito, and the other in Santa Ana, in the metropolitan region. It is about a woman and a man. Both adults.
We must keep our guard and avoid hatcheries and seek timely attention,” said Itza Barahona de Mosca, Deputy Minister of Health.
Up to March of this year, 507 confirmed cases of dengue were reported, of those 458 were without warning signs, 45 with warning signs, four were severe dengue. Colón (251 cases), Herrera (55), Panamá Norte (40), Coclé (39), Panama Metro (32), San Miguelito (26), are the provinces that report the most cases with this virus so far this year.
from January to September of 2018, there were 2,464 cases of dengue, with There were three deaths, two in Colón and one in Panama Metro.
The Health Ministry recommended that with the arrival of the rains to prevent any disease caused by the mosquito (dengue, zika or chikungunya) the population should monitor homes to ensure that there are no containers with water (including vases), and check the surroundings after each rain because breeding sites are possible.
At home, do not leave doors open and use an insect vaporizer or an indoor spray to kill the mosquitoes and treat the areas where they rest.