Questions on controversial oil terminal ownership ignored

Members of an environmental advocacy group were blocked from a Monday, April 15 press conference called by Bona Pacific Corp. to justify the construction of a maritime oil terminal on Isla Boná.
“Here nobody is questioning the legality of the project, the problem is that there is not a complete study on the environmental effects, the population is not informed,” said Marlene Blasser, of the Sharks Awareness Panama organization. Members of the Environmental Advocacy Center also attended the call made by Bona Pacific but were not allowed to enter the room.
Surprisingly, reports La Prensa Bona Pacific said that on May 9, 2018, the Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente) certified that the limits of the Bonan Island polygon are not part of “any biological corridor, it is not a forest reserve or a protected area”.
However, two weeks ago, Environment Minister Emilio Sempris said he was unaware of the project.
At the conference, Raam Ady, manager of Bona Pacific, said that in the area where the eight fuel tanks will be installed – which will have a capacity of one hectare each – “there are no bird nests, there are only grasslands and Scattered trees. ”
“Nothing is done behind the president’s back,” said Justin Gonzalez, legal counsel for Bona Pacific Corp., when asked about the request made by President Juan Carlos Varela to the National Economic Center (CENA). About the oil terminal.
When questioned about who the partners are and where the financing of the millionaire project comes from, Ady avoided responding reports La Prensa
He only indicated that it is his funds, those of Sandra Roger, who is the secretary of Bona Pacific Corp., and of a foreign investor, whose identity was not revealed.