Odebrecht funded CD campaign guru gets 8 years

AN ODEBRECHT funded  election campaign adviser to CD presidential candidate José Domingo Arias in 2014 was .sentenced  in Brazil on Thursday Feb, 2 to eight years and four months  in prison.

Jose Domingo Arias on the campaign trail

Joao Santana was a  former consultant to the presidential campaigns of Dilma Rousseff and Luiz Inácio ‘Lula’ da Silva.   l

The information was confirmed by the network O Globo.

Santana and his wife, Mónica Moura, returned to Brazil in February 2016 to admit that he had received money from Odebrecht to work on campaigns in Argentina, Angola, Venezuela and Panama.

CD Campaign guru Santana photographed  in Panama

Marcelo Odebrecht, former head of the company that bears his name is serving 20 years in prison for corruption and money laundering.

Recently, he took part in a program which guarantees him a reduction of his sentence in exchange for  absolute cooperation with Brazilian prosecutors.

The sentencing judge said that Joao Santana, together with his wife and four other businessmen, participated in a scheme with which money from Petrobras was paid for political campaigns.