Bill to limit reelection of University rector

THE EMBATTLED Rector of the University of Panama, (UP) Gustavo Garcia de Paredes, has yet another hurdle to face as he seeks to continue holding the reins after 20 years in office.

 A bill that seeks to prevent the re-election of the authorities of the University), was presented Wednesday, July 8 before the plenary of the National Assembly by the independent deputy, Ana Matilde Gomez.
With opponents of the rector describing his reign as “totalitarian” the draft seeks to restore sections of the Act 24 of 2005 Organic Law of the University of Panama, which prevented the re-election of the rector of the university, but was modified in 2010 with the Act 64 during the last legislative period and allowed Garcia de Paredes to be reelected.
“We ask this Assembly to restore what existed in 2005 so that elected university authorities can only stay in office a period of five years and cannot be reelected to the same office in the immediatel two following periods,” said Gomez.
“I think it is necessary for the Assembly to contribute to rescuing the institution and academic institutions.”
According to Gomez the University is going through difficult times and has been involved in a series of internal conflicts that have transcended its walls and undermined its self-esteem.
The University of Panama is currently being audited by the Comptroller General, after suspicions of alleged mismanagement of public resources.
She said that the Law 64 of 2010, which led to the re-election of university authorities, was a setback for what had been achieved with the Law 24 of 2005. Law 64 established that elected university authorities, after five years in office may be reelected.
The purpose of Law 24 was that it be understood that education with training and knowledge components is dynamic and needs the transformation and renewal of its leaders, lest they create personal loyalties and cults. Garcia de Paredes, has confirmed that he seeks to be re-elected to the position he has held continuously for 20 years.
The university elections are scheduled to be held in June 2016.