Deputy wants decentralization tab doubled

PRD DEPUTY Pedro Miguel González wants the amount the government plans to offer municipalities in its decentralization law raised to $300 million.

The law was launched this  week in the National Assembly.
“The proposal is far from filling the aspirations of the municipal governments,” said Gonzalez in an interview with La Prensa.
He said the $150 million to be allocated “is inadequate.”
“There is very little you can do with this amount,” he said. “We aspire to double that figure.”
Gonzalez’s view is not shared by the party’s National Executive Council, which has approved a resolution declaring its “firm support of the draft law.”
In that resolution, the party also sought to ensure that resources are divided equally among municipalities and not doled out as political favors.
The council has instructed its caucus to respect its decision as outlined in the party’s statutes.