Child protection officials found guilty of child abuse

Two officials of the National Secretariat for Children, Adolescents, and Family (Senniaf) were convicted of the crimes of aggravated abuse of children and adolescents, events that occurred from March to August 2020 in shelters.
The conviction was achieved by the Family Section of the Metropolitan area, during an oral trial, after the prosecution presented evidence against the people involved in the investigation that involved several shelters in the country, under the tutelage of Senniaf.
According to the Judicial Branch, this decision arises after the analysis of 31 pieces of evidence, including testimonials and documentaries that were presented, in addition to the allegations of the parties involved, during the hearing that began on Monday, July 31 at the System facilities. Accusatory Criminal is located in the 727 building of Balboa.
The sentencing hearing was set for August 17, at 3:00 pm.