A failed attempt to muzzle the media

Today marks the eleventh anniversary of the attempt by a company –whose owner and his company are facing various criminal proceedings– to prevent the circulation of the newspapers of this media outlet.
In front of the gaze of the person in charge of the blockade, several of his trucks were parked at the entrances and exits of the facilities, with the purpose of preventing the newspapers from being distributed. In the midst of the chaos, the President of the Republic appeared drunk for alleged intermediation, when we have no doubt that -given his closeness to the owner of the company- he was aware of everything.
It was not a minor incident, since preventing the circulation of a medium is an attack on free enterprise and freedom of expression. In August 2024 it will be twelve years, with a new president, and waiting for the person responsible for that attempt to pay for it.
These are precisely the things that should make us think about choosing the best presidential candidate and his government team, including representatives. A real commitment to freedom of expression and transparency must be an essential requirement to be the next president of the Republic – LA PRENSA, Aug. 3.