Business leaders reject of “political” distribution of decentralization funds

Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries, and Agriculture (CCIAP) attacked on Sunday, June 11, the distribution of decentralization funds and called on citizens to reject “reprehensible” practices.
The business union highlighted that for decades, mayors, corregimiento representatives, and society, in general, demanded a more equitable allocation of resources and the strengthening of the capacities of local governments to meet the needs of the community.
“In those times, the allocation of most resources was concentrated in the main cities. That is why the Decentralization Law of 2009 received widespread support. However, at present, Panamanians are witnessing another disappointment when observing how this noble idea is used in a discretionary manner and far from real needs, for the political-electoral benefit of a minority”, they highlighted.
Adolfo Fábrega, president of the CCIAP, affirmed that “it is unacceptable that the National Decentralization Authority, with the endorsement of the Comptroller General, makes million-dollar disbursements outside the mechanisms contemplated in the Decentralization Law, clearly favoring political patronage.
“This irregular and reprehensible practice deserves the unanimous rejection of the citizenry, as well as immediate actions by all the corresponding authorities and State Bodies to put an end to it.”
“It is enough to analyze the distribution of these resources to see how an idea aimed at accelerating human development and improving the quality of life of millions of Panamanians has been completely distorted. “We are witnessing the handling of money with hardly any supervision or control, used arbitrarily and even to the detriment of the institutions that already have a presence in the communities. With perplexity, we observe how a corrosive situation for our institutions is perpetuated. We see how progress is being made towards a Panama where the norms established for the citizen’s benefit are distorted and mocked, without us being witnesses of any consequences,” he said.
Fábrega also affirmed that decentralization, as its funds are being implemented, “is not achieving any of its objectives: improving efficiency in public administration, fostering citizen participation, promoting balanced development, improving the distribution of resources, and encouraging innovation in public policies. Objectives can only be achieved if there is responsibility in public management and austerity in public spending, but above all transparency and political will of those who we elect every five years to administer these funds. “
“We cannot forget that these resources come from taxpayers and, therefore, we demand their correct use for the benefit of all citizens, as well as the accountability of those who have participated in these reprehensible acts,” said the union’s president.