The shame of the Changuinola Massacre

“Changuinola Massacre”. There is no other way to call those events of 2010 since there is no precedent for such perversity, perpetrated by the forces of order against Panamanians who were protesting in the then government of Ricardo Martinelli against the so-called “chorizo law.” As a result of the clashes, two people died and some 500 were injured –at least 80 partially lost their sight–, in addition to considerable material damage. Twelve years later, the aftermath is still present: many experience lead poisoning from the pellets that remain in their bodies; others have had to stop working, deteriorating their quality of life, as the pellets continue to lodge in their eyes, kidneys, knees or liver. Those responsible for the massacre did not even receive a scolding, much less punishment, for his abusive and ruthless use of force. They massacred defenseless people and the State has practically forgotten about these victims. The way in which these people are treated is a complete shame and it is unfortunate to recognize that the debt that the State has with them, instead of diminishing, grows with the passage of time. – LA PRENSA, Jul. 8.