Hepatitis alert issued by Ministry of Health

An alert has been sent by the Ministry of Health to government and private hospitals following a possible case of acute hepatitis of unknown cause, in a two-year-old boy in the Children’s Hospital, which is being investigated by the Department of Epidemiology.
The announcement came on Thursday morning, May 5.
The minor, who has no history of traveling abroad, presented symptoms of a 38-degree fever, skin rashes, and yellow coloration, “for which a series of tests were performed to detect or rule out if it is a case of hepatitis”.
After the case was presented, to the Department of Epidemiology Minsa sent the surveillance alert to all health facilities, both the Social Security Fund (CSS), as well as those of the Ministry of Health and private centers.
The warning was presented because in April the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued an alert to the appearance of cases of acute and severe hepatitis of unknown origin, in several countries in minors.
According to the PAHO, the first case was officially notified on April 5 and there is already a record of 169 cases in at least 12 countries and one death