The judicial charmed life of drug kingpin

MANUEL DOMINGUEZ Walker, whom the Public Prosecutor’s Office identifies as the alleged kingpin of a gang  of narco-traffickers operating inside the office of the mayor of Los Santos, has benefited from bail-outs, pardons presidential elections and rulings in his favor by the Supreme Court since 2009 reports La Prensa.
In 2010 The then substitute judge Zulay Rodriguez, now PRD deputy, gave bail to Agustín Romeo Escobar and
Manuel De La Cruz ($150 thousand each), both linked to a network linked to Walker Domínguez, who also got bail.
The then drug prosecutor William Parodi opened an investigation into Judge Rodriguez because the law states that in crimes of aggravated possession of drugs bail is not applicable.
The then president of the Supreme Court Aníbal Salas, announced, in the midst of the investigation, that the
Judge Rodriguez would no longer be called to preside
Subsequently, the Second Court of Justice revoked the guarantees given to Walker and the others involved.
On Wednesday, September 27 in an interview with Nex TV , Deputy Rodriguez confirmed that she granted the bail bonds and in the first instance processed the case of drug trafficking.
The name of Manuel Domínguez Walker also came to the fore when then President, Ricardo Martinelli, on the day before he left office through Executive Decree granted him, along with other people, a presidential pardon. It was also signed bt then Minister of Government, Jorge Ricardo Fábrega.
DomínguezWalker was also favored with a ruling of September 30, 2015, by the Criminal Court of the
CSJ which acquitted him in a money laundering case linking him to Katherine Cuesta Melara de Domínguez and Salvador Jiménez
The Criminal Chamber consisted of judges Jerónimo Mejía, Harry Díaz and José Ayú Prado, the latter named by Martinelli in 2013, reports La Prensa.
“The chamber estimates several proven reasons for the lack of typicity of the offense of money laundering and in the absence of elements that allow the establishment of money seized from the accused came from drug trafficking … “, said the ruling.
In a hearing on August 20, 2010, the Drug Prosecution Office had requested the appeal of the accused.
The file had a financial report dated July 14, 2010, prepared by the Directorate for Judicial Investigation, which pointed out that Manuel Domínguez Walker and Katherine de Domínguez maintain a patrimony that could not be justified justify in the amount of $537, 962.71.
In addition, another report signed by the head of the Research Unit Of the National Police of 16 June 2009, which read: “a credible investigation manifests that Dominguez Walker alias ‘Toño’ will do the coordinations f a local, located in the sector of El Dorado specifically in Plaza Aventura, to make effective the sending of a certain amount of drugs towards the country of France “.
In the case of the “El Gallero” operation, which was dismantled last Monday, the Drug Prosecutor has successfully got the great evader behind bars as the investigation continues