OFF THE CUFF: Pay day for Panamas alternates”

ON MONDAY, May 28, nearly 500 National Assembly alternate representatives will be able to stuff their wallets with their first share of $4.3 million approved by the National Assembly Budget Committee
The quaintly named “alernates’’ are paid to stand by like whipping boys of yore when the true lawmakers, are overcome by their onerous duties, or otherwise engaged when it comes to forming a quorum to enable a debate and do what they were elected to do.
Not surprisingly, many of the alternates have their eyes on the real job of being a higher paid deputy, and in time having their own alternate.
In the meantime, they can aspire, as one recently did, to having private hospital bills, paid from the presidency discretionary slush fund.
The Budget Committee approved the transfer of $4.3 million and The National Decentralization Secretariat (SND) says the payment will be made in the Yellow
House of the Presidency. The first payment will be about $1.2 million.retroactive from January. It represents a monthly salary of $600 and will benefit at least 485 alternates.