OPINION: Saving our links with the past

hoyporhoy, La Prensa. May 9
AN INTEGRAL part of our national history is the development of transit which was inserted into the country’s economy since colonial times.
The Camino de Cruces was a pioneer which preceded the Trans-Isthmus railroad, The Panama Canal and the hub of the Americas, by several centuries.
Sadly, for decades our authorities have been carrying out public projects and authorizing private partnerships that undermine or destroy our history.
There are many countries that would love to have a fraction of our archaeological and historical heritage. The state needs to demonstrate its commitment to history, and recognize that these orginal villages, and roads where the trade of gold, silver, cloths, salt African slaves, and the European colonists, who crossed the isthmus, bequeathed us our identity.
We hope we are in time for the new Faculty of Medicine, jointly built by the University of Panama and the Ministry of Health, to set an example of harmonious coexistence of memory of the past with the present.