Fresh call to go-easy on electricity use

PANAMA’S POWER supply is still fragile and the Government has again called on the population to go easy with electricity consumption, while the transmission authority, Etesa, continues efforts to regularize the supply.
The work is expected to be completed during the upcoming week.
The National Secretary of Energy, Victor Urrutia, said on Friday, March 24, that the quality of the service is still fragile, while work is continuing on repairs and upgrades so that the capacity of the Panama substation where explosions took place on Friday March 17 and Tuesday March 21 is 100 percent recovered.
“We want to ask everyone to moderate consumption until we have enough spare power to fully restore the system,” he said.
The two explosions plunged large sections of Panama and Colon into darkness, damaged equipment in hospitals and public institutions, and led to the replacement of the head of the authority.