Corruption prosecutor investigating 17 Odebrecht bribery suspects

PANAMA’S Attorney General, Kenia Porcell announced on Tuesday, Jan.24, that 17 people linked to the $59 million paid to Panama officials by Odebrecht and laundered through Swiss banks were expected to appear before the anticorruption prosecutor “in the coming hours.”
Porcell who did not specify names detailed that they include three exofficials of the
government, 13 entrepreneurs , eight Panamanians and five foreigners and the private banking officer of a bank.

The list includes the two sons of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli, and his brother Mario.
Members of the DIJ went to the residence of Mario Martinelli Tuesday but did not locate him.
José Nelson Brando, a lawyer for Martinelli, said that his client was not home, but he said
Martinelli is in the country and will appear voluntarily.
Brando asked prosecutors to give him a date when his client could be questioned