An imported seasonal event now a Panama tradition

By Margot Thomas
SOME 4000 people arrived to celebrate the annual Carols by Candlelight concert on the Cinta Costera on Saturday December 3.
The event in six years has become a Panama tradition offering the opportunity for local citizens to participate in a seasonal rendering of well loved Christmas favorites presented by local choirs and performers far from the clatter of cash registers.
It follows a tradition created in Australia in 1937, that has spread to countries around the world. It was introduced to Panama in 2009 with the intention of providing a free seasonal event with community participation, while raising funds to support selected local institutions.
Admittance to the Mirador Del Pacifico location was, free and the audience was invited arrived with their own chairs or ground covering to fill the areas surrounding the amphitheater. They were able to obtain souvenir candles to wave during the performance and contribute to the CanadaPLUS Foundation’s Foundation’s charity work.
Blocks of over 400 reserved seats in the arena were occupied by supporters of the efforts to further raise funds for local institutions including Hospital Santo Tomas, and Vision of Hope.
Vision of Hope, is a program to enable blind Panamanians become income earning members of the community through the making and marketing of jewelry.
Some of the blind participants were on hand to offer their products for sale.
Previous recipients of Foundation support include Hogar Malambo, Fundacion Calicanto, The National Ballet, and Hospital Santo Tomas.
The audience
Among those attending were ambassadors and representatives of over 20 embassies including the US, Canada and the UK.

The performers were Coro El Colegio de Panama directed by Meryelis Florez, Coro Angelitos de Matrimonios en Victoria directed by Ana de Watts, Coro Kings College directed by Vanessa Whay, Coro JP2 Directed by Danny Gonzalez and Miroslava Herrera, lead singer in Afrodisiaco, the Panamanian group that won the Silver Seagull award at the Vina Del Mar Latin American Musical Festival earlier in the year.
Herrera co-hosted the event with Karlita Delgado who is a member of Coro JP2.
All the performers donated their time.
The event over the last six years was made possible by support from the Alcaldia, Arrocha , Canon, Casita de Navidad, Copa Airlines, Corprensa, Dell, Felipe Motta, Gago Brothers, Kings College, Minera Panama, Newsroom Panama, Palo Alto, Sony and The Visitor.
It was organized by staff of the CanadaPLUS Foundation who contribute their time without pay as well as underwriting the event.
Volunteers from AFS international, The US Embassy and Ponte en Algo worked through the hours before the concert setting up seating and decorating the Christmas tree.
The way ahead
Plans are already underway for an enhanced presentation in 2017.
If you want to get involved in the planning of this and other events organized by the Foundation, e mail: or call 6619-6890. You will get a warm welcome.