MEDIA WATCH: Panama take on Trump victory

Hoyporhoy,La Prensa,Nov.11

DONALD J. TRUMP is the President-elect of the United States of America. After a highly controversial campaign that resulted in his electoral victory, but not in the popular vote, his country is seriously divided.

The world is very cautious after the racist, warmongering and anti-immigrant rhetoric of then-candidate Trump.

Now, the new President No. 45 of the most powerful nation in the world, should show serenity, humility and above all, listen to advisers, adversaries and people of all classes and nationalities to be able to exercise good government.

The United States has experienced a very difficult economic transition since the end of the Cold War, and social changes, including the widespread legalization of marijuana, approved on the day of his election, have generated deep tensions that he has exacerbated for his own gain.

The mystery of the moment is whether the real estate mogul and king of self-promotion is capable of surpassing himself or whether we will live through four more years of jolts and stress, whenTrump will have to reap a lot of what he has sown.