TV journalist questioning upsets talking heads

THE DETENTION of a journalist, for questioning by an anti-corruption prosecutor on Monday, October 17 caused a knee jerk reaction from some media and political commentators.
Fernando Correa is one of raft of former Caja de Ahorros officials being questioned in connection with the investigation into a $10 million loan granted by the bank to the consortium HPC-Contratas-P&V for the construction of a convention center in Amador that was never completed.
Correa, who arrived at the office of Prosecutor Tania Sterling at 7 a.m., will undergo additional questioning Thursday,Arango Pezet who was also questioned returned for further interrogation on Tuesday.
Both men are currently under no precautionary detention measures.
Former CA official Jayson Pastor is also being questioned
Correa, who is also a journalist for NexTV, published the news of his questioning on his Twitter account, and his lawyer, Angel Calderon, confirmed the meeting with prosecutors.
Correa was at the television station, which is owned by ex-president Ricardo Martinelli, when officers from the Department of Judicial Investigation arrived to take him to the prosecutor’s office.
The way the incident was handled has been criticized by some sectors of society, saying it threatens the freedom of the press.
A few hours later, the Public Ministry issued a statement that defended its action, saying the arrest was not related to any activities carried out at the television station.
Arango Pezet is the husband of María Luisa Navarro, the current deputy minister of Foreign Affairs.
At 1 p.m. on Monday , Correa spoke to the media saying he has nothing to hide.
While he said he was treated with respect, he noted that: “even during the dictatorship people were not removed from a television newscast to be questioned.”