OPINION: No one above the law

La Prensa, hoyporhoy Oct, 18
ADMINISTRATION of justice must not only be intact and impartial, but must also be seen as such in the eyes of public opinion.
Yesterday, the surprise execution of an order for investigation by the Public Ministry of a businessman and social communicator, caused unnecessary distress in society with its own atavism of an authoritarian regime, should send the message that no one, including journalists and media, can be above the law.
Instead, the public prosecution caused international comments and raised doubts about the nature of the fight against corruption.
Accusations of all kinds, from political persecution to justice selectivity, must be overcome. He himself clarified that he was not investigated for his role as a communicator, but for his links to the the Panamanian family bank.
Judges and prosecutors have to show outstanding transparency and justice.
However, freedom of expression remains strong and lively. So be it forever.