Four seek Electoral Tribunal post

A FORMER President of Panama’s Supreme court is among four candidates vying to replace Tribunal Electoral (TE) Judge Erasmo Pinilla.
The four candidates have started lobbying for votes within the National Assembly to assume the position although Pinilla has announced that he will seek re-election,
The candidates are Alfredo Juncá, Javier Ordinola, Neftalí Jaén and Harley James Mitchell.
Junca, a lawyer and specialist in political science, is part of the team of legislative advisors and a member of the Panameñista party.
He was elected in 2011 as the party’s executive secretary for Parliamentary Affairs.
Javier Ordinola is a lawyer specializing in electoral issues and legal adviser to the Legislative Budget Committee.
Ordinola led the legal team that challenged several of the results of the last election. He has also participated in the electoral reforms process.
Jaén, a representation of the Commission of Government in the Assembly, also participated in the process of electoral reforms and is a former board member of the Molirena party.
Mitchell is currently dean at Universidad Santa María La Antigua and has spent more than 20 years as a legislative advisor, in addition to serving on the Supreme Court.
Pinilla’s term expires at the end of the year.