Child and teen pregnancies soar

Child and teen pregnancies soar
Teenager and child pregnancies continue to soar In Panama with 6,365 deliveries between January and August in Ministry of Health (MoH) the rate of one every 54 minutes
The figures do not include pregnant young people seeking medical care in the Social Security Fund (CSS) or private clinics.
During the first eight months of this year for every 100 pregnancies, 31 were teenagers was 30.5.
The index is higher in Darien (37%), Colon (36%) and Bocas del Toro (35.5%).
Areas with fewer teen pregnancies in the country this year are the Guna Yala (25.5%) and Panama Metro (26.3%).
According to the World Health Organization, a teenager is between 10 and 19 years of age.
In 2015 there were 10,976 cases of teenage pregnancies, 241 more than in 2014.