Mothers demand right to breast feed in public

NURSING   mothers mounted a protest during the closing hours at  Expo Tourism at the Atlapa Convention center on Saturday on  May 28. They were demanding the right to breastfeed in public places

The mothers came with their young and while sitting on the floor breastfed their babies.

The protest sprang from a note published on social media by Sinara Abrego, who  said that two officials would not let her provide  breast milk in one of the bathrooms at the  Convention Center, as she participated in Expo Turismo.

The message went viral on Facebook and Twitter and nursing mothers rushed to support heron line and at the  exhibition

Those who joined the protest at Atlapa carried banners saying:

“Giving the teat is giving my baby the best of me.”… “ Baby feeding is natural ” …”I do not ask you to understand me, but I demand that you respect me”,   … “I only drink milk from Mom, you want to put me with your food