$12.1 million cathedral renovation contract

THE $12.1 MILLION contract for the renovation of Panama’s Santa María la Antigua Cathedral in San Felipe has been awarded to a three company consortium.
The National Institute of Culture (Inac) announced that the winning bid for the design, planning and execution of the renovation came from the consortium, comprised of the companies Condisa, Construcciones Zubillaga and Ortiz Construcciones, presented a bid of $12.1 million. It received a score of 91.9 out of 100 from an evaluation committee. A second proposal, from the Asociación Accidental Catedral Santa María, was for about $600,000 more and received a score of 76.8.
Inac Director Juan Francisco Guerrero said La Antigua consortium presented a bid that was far superior in both economic and engineering terms. He also said it has extensive experience in this type of work.