Innocent Martinelli flails out at Varela

EX-PRESIDENT Ricardo Martinelli, has claimed he is innocent of all charges against him for alleged corruption.
Martinelli, on Radio Panama on Tuesday, September 15 returned to the mantra he has been repeating since he left the country in January, and said that the cases against him and the involvement of other former officials who participated in his government are all part of the “political persecution and invented” by the President, Juan Carlos Varela
Verbally flailing around like a punch drunk boxer, Martinelli who has 12 cases outstanding in the Supreme Court from corruption to wiretapping said
“There is no evidence against me… and the worst thing in Panama there is no law, nor due process.” Reports Critica, a newspaper he owns.
Martinelli popularly labeled “El Loco,” claims that President Varela has direct involvement in the organs of Justice, including the Public Ministry and the Supreme Court.
Martinelli said “I heard in the circle of Juan Carlos Varela that he wants me to kill myself or have a heart attack “
“Varela is afraid of my return to Panama ” said Martinelli. He said Tthey are afraid I will tell it like it is.
According to Martinelli’ the Varela government could be considered one of the worst in Panama’s history with disorder, chaos, no water, no security , low investment and unemployment may reach 7% this year, but Varela focuses only on on him and chasing the CD.
Martinelli also claimed that the ‘’spy chief of the Presidency’’, Commissioner Rolando Lopez Perez, nicknamed “Picuiro”, is really in charge in Panama.
Rolando Lopez left and right clicks to everybody and feeds these reports daily to Varela who then threatens the Supreme Court, which now cares for their skin, he said.