OFF THE CUFF: Racing Bus Kills Motor Cyclist

ONE OF a pair of Diablo Rojo buses involved in a race down one of Panama’s busiest traffic routes killed a 30-year-old woman  motorcyclist on Saturday evening, July 11.

Most of the re-cycled aging former US school buses, renowned for their noise and air pollution have been removed from the streets, but the few that remain continue the bloody record that has brought death to hundreds of road users and passengers

Witnesses said the bus that , killed Colombian Monica Londoño was racing with another, a common practice as drivers attempt to be first at the next bus stop to pick up some passengers paying 50 cents for a city journey. The motor cycle was in front of the pediatric hospital when the bus struck and the rider , who died on the spot was dragged dragged 10 meters.

The bus driver was detained for investigation, while the other bus driver fled. Transit authorities are investigating.