Scorpion bite kills toddler 6 hours from health center

A TODDLER, less then two years old, has died from a scorpion sting and 151 people
have been bitten so far this year in the Province of Colon.

The situation has caused concern in the Ministry of Health (MOH), which, after the death of the child, acknowledged on Monday, July 6,there is not enough antialacránico serum in the Colon health centers.

Nationally from January to May 1,126 of people were bitten by scorpions, and in the same period 440 were bitten by snakes. 

Julio Palacios, head of the department of epidemiology at the Ministry of Health, confirmed the facts and explained that last year during the same period, only 111 cases were recorded, so there is a considerable increase, but he ruled out an epidemic reports El Siglo.

The only death from scorpion stings in the province, was the toddler living in Costa Abajo. The Ministry of Health, says the fatal outcome was due to to the time lapse before applying apply the serum, because the nearest health center was six hours away, and the child was underweight.
The Ministry of Health recommends avoiding having household sites with moisture or debris, plus constant cleaning and cutting of grasslands.
Scorpions also take refuge in dark areas such as shoes and drawers.

Publio De Gracia, an epidemiologist at the Social Security Fund (CSS) recommends  attending the nearest health facility so that you can apply the serum, within six hours of the bite as the scorpion venom affects the pancreas and brain, causing death.

In the fields, farmers do not go to health centers and use home remedies such as alcohol applied to the wound, accompanied by snuff to relieve pain. They  even kill the scorpion to get the viscera and place them on the wound  reports La Prensa

Panama is the second country in Latin America with the highest prevalence of scorpion sting, because with  72 reported cases for every 100 000 inhabitants. The first place is Mexico, with 203 cases per 100 000 inhabitants.

Statistics from the Ministry of Health (MoH) report that annually victims of scorpion stings double those bitten by snakes.