Cigars, TV and all that Jazz

The Jazz Scene with Ken Grady

DRINKS, CIGARS  and, of course, hiqh quality jazz  all ahead at  Goa’s Pool & Lounge in El Congrejo. On Thursday August 28. In addition, a new TV network, ABN-ipTV plans to film part of the evening’s festivities.

I wanted to know how this idea evolved. So,I jotted down a few questions, and contacted the producer of theevent, Rick Shipley. Here is a brief Q&A with Mr. Shipley.

KG- When did your love of Jazz begin?
RS- My love for Jazz came even before I knew life. My father use to play scales to my Mother’s tummy. So I grew up with it. It was an alarm clock for me. I would wake up to pop’s playing with the likes of Bird, Trane, Miles and Cannonball. I knew the words to Nancy Wilson‘s, A Sleeping Bee, before I knew the name of the tune.

KG- Is it fair to say that, as you grew you developed an even deeper passion for Jazz throughout your life?
RS- I loved hearing live music, it is what I grew up with.  I would come home from school and my father and his crew would be getting ready for a gig playing things like Cherokee, Straight No Chaser, Giant Steps and, ‘Round Midnight.  These cats could blow!!!!!!! This music put me in a place of wisdom, a place that helped me to be intuitive to the choices before me in life. I also realized that intellect was a game changer, and that this music wraps intellect, wisdom, emotions and sheer chutzpah to give us a vessel that can house our past, as well as our future.

KG- Can you tell us how the Jazz project with ABN ipTV came about?
RS- When I met Dr. Cain Gerrod, founder of Panama’s Connected TV, he told me he was starting a TV network. So, we talked about how we could collaborate. Over the past year we have produced about half a dozen networking events.

 KG- Why Panama, and why now?
RS-In Panama, there seems to be an uptick, a gathering of forces to lend an ear to Jazz music.With this TV Network, ABN-ipTV, this is a perfect time to see if we could grow this idiom past the four walls of a nightclub and bring it to our living rooms.

KG- Is your Jazz event on August 28th the first at Goa’s Pool & Lounge?
RS- Goa’s Pool & Lounge is just one of the places that seemed to fit our needs. We got to know the owner and held a few events there that have always left the attendees feeling pleased.

KG- Can you tell us about the Panama Jazz legend who will be performing on August 28?
RS- Yes. We have the great, saxophone giant, Carlos Garnett, who is a native of Panama. Mr. Garnett will be in the house, playing some favorites, and featuring tunes from his latest release, Shekina’s Smile.

Now you have it and to reacap the event is on, Thursday, August 28 at Goa’s Pool & Lounge. The first music set will be at 8:30 pm, and the final set at 9:45pm. Goa’s Pool & Lounge is on Calle Eusebio A. Morales via, Veneto.

For more info, call Goa’s at 214-4861, or go to,