A chance to hear a Vatican performance in Panama

By Lourdes Quijada
IT’S NOT EVERY DAY that you get to attend a concert performance that was previously presented at the Vatican, but that’s what’s awaiting lovers of fine choral music on Sunday August 31.
That’s when Musica Viva, under the direction of Maestro Jorge Ledezma, will perform at 3pm at the Cathedral of St. Luke.
he Choir recently returned from a concert tour in Germany and Italy, including the Vatican and for a donation of $10 we can all share in the reprise of the original presentation. The money raised will be used to fund the many outreach programs of St. Luke’s including a multi-faceted program to benefit blind, disabled, and homeless people in Panama. http://newsroompanama.com/news/panama/plan-to-help-the-blind-and-poor-needs-a-guardian-angel
The Cathedral is located on Ancon Hill on Calle Gorgas near the Hospital Oncologico. For additional information or tickets contact the Cathedral Office at 262-1280. Tickets will also be available the day of the concert. Do yourself a double favor by sharing in an outstanding performance, and helping someone in need. See you there.