New Casco eviction law worries low income famiiies

LOW INCOME tenants or property in Casco Viejo who do not have a written contract could be facing an uncertain future if property owners and developers take advantage of a new evictions law.

Law No. 136 of December 2013 on enhancement leaves few options to tenants of the property , as compensation ranging from only $5000 to $ 12,000 in if the property owners want to carry out evictions for re conditioning or developing new projects in the structures reports La Prensa.

Families with between 5 and 10 years residence will qualify for $5,000 , 10 to 20 years ( $6,000), from 20 to 30 years($ 8000 ), 30 to 40 years ( $ 10,000 ), and more than 40 years ( $12,000) .
Article 26 provides for compensation to cover only people who have signed a lease before 2008, with payment of rental fees is not greater than $75 , and not in the category of intruders or squatters.
Area residents are organizing to ask the authorities of the Ministry of Housing and Land Management and the National Institute of Culture to relax conditions .
The president of the Association of Residents of Casco , Gilberto Gutierrez, said that of the total 60% of renters have no lease.
"This bill takes away all the neighborhood. There are people who have no contract and are paying over $100 a month , "he said.
The legislation contradicts the provisions of the United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization ( Unesco) which says that affordable housing should be provided for residents of buildings being restored.