More questions over $250,000 website contract

More questions have arisen over a $250,000 contract issued by Ombudsman Office Director Patria Portugal to a politically-connected firm to redesign its web site.
The Citizen's Alliance for Justice, which represents some 33 organizations, met with Portugal and her staff last week and has issued a report.
It said that it has examined relevant documents about the contract and "rather than clarifying the situation, it leaves us with even more doubts."
The report point outs that the justification for the use of the money is extremely poor.
"We could not understand how an institution can spend $250,000 in that manner," the agency said.
It further stated that the contract made no sense when compared to the value of similar jobs and that no research was conducted to determine if the firm had the required experience.
"This case reflects the lack of controls by the Comptroller's Office, a lack of transparency and adequate legislation in the field of public procurement," the entity said.
Attorney General Ana Belfon said she is waiting for a report from the Comptroller and the results of an audit to determine a course of action.
The report said: “While both the Ombudsman and her team presented their arguments explaining the procedure, and the amount and result of consulting question, we could not understand how an institution with $ 280,000 for investment studies, design and construction, can spend $ 250,000 on a image consulting.
After reading the contract and the information we were given, rather than clarifying the situation, it leaves us with even more doubts and according to our valuation is a poor justification for disproportionate spending.
The report said that several questions arose after reviewing the documentation: including “Where is the study of the market prior to direct hiring and what was the contractors experience with jobs of similar magnitude?”
The contractor was a 23 year old CD activist.