A Golden Triangle Celebration

By Dylis Jones
After a grand “ Carols By Candlelight” finale to a year of outstanding entertainment the CanadaPLUS Club is launching its 2013 calendar with a Golden Triangle Celebration.
The Chinese New Year (Year of the Snake) comes on February 10, which coincides with Carnaval. That’s the time when many citizens flee the city and head for the interior or even further afield. While it’s great time to for driving with the streets virtually deserted, not a great time to organize a function for expats. But straight after Chinese New Year comes Valentine’s day, giving two events to celebrate and with tongue in cheek the organizers suggest a third, the end of Carnival.
So the date is set Thursday February 14. The menu will be a specially chosen gourmet Chinese feast served in the Golden Unicorn, Restaurant in the Evergreen Bui;ding near Atlapa. It will be accompanied by wine, and gifts for all. Surprise entertainment will be laid on by Melanie Gilpin who led the Godspell performance at Carols by Candlelight.
Tickets are $30, for members, $35 for nonmembers but you will need to hurry. Only 100 seats are available and the CnadaPLUS track record means that there will be an early sell out. In fasct within 24 hours of first posting this item over 40% of tickets were already gone. To reserve, call 6619-6890 or email clubcanadaplus @gmail.com.