Getting back into the swim with art, theatre and the flesh

By Dylis Jones
If you have finished winding down from the Christmas marathon, a holiday trip, or spending time with the family and want to get back into the social stream. here are a few pointers, with some including that friendly four letter word FREE.
On Thursday January 10 at 7 pm, Canadian ambassador Sylvia Cesarotto will be unveiling an exhibition of paintings by resident Canadian artist Germain Courchesne .
All are welcome, so if you want to raise a glass of wine with friends and discover the talents of an expat from Montreal, just show up. No charge.
From art to theatre. Panama’s beloved Theatre Guild of Ancon is holding a General Assembly and Wine and Cheese Party Saturday January 12, to elect a new Board of Directors. All are welcome, If you are not a member you will have the opportunity to sign up, and guarantee your seats for another year of exciting productions, which I will be revealing later. Membership is $60 for adults, $30 for students and retires Theatre is alive and well in Panama, and if you are new to the city, this could be a useful way to spend Saturday evening. It starts at 7 pm in the theatre in Ancon. Traffic won’t be a problem, and it's a great way to meet people who like you, might be theatre buffs.
If you are a lover of the flesh, served on a platter of course, the expat Mix and Match event organized by the American Society of Panama (which has taken over the mantle of former social organizer Laura Alexander) could be the place for you on Monday January 14.
The Brazilian themed event takes place at Os Segredos Da Carne Restaurant on Federico Boyd at 51, opposite Scotia Bank. Naturally carne is the central theme of the menu No freebies here, except friendly chit chat, but wine is two for one. And if you decide to sample the famed meat dishes, you will get 20% off a bottle of wine.
Further ahead with a happy mingling of Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day, is the CanadaPLUS Club opening event of 2013. On Thursday February 14 a fun packed evening of entertainment, an outstanding gourmet menu, wine, and gifts for all reflecting the two calendar events and the second anniversary of the founding of the Club whose membership role includes people originating from 24 countries. The gifts alone are worth th visit. The cost is $30 for members, $35 for nonmembers, and as far as I can make out that's the bargain of the year, even before you get your gifts *yes plural). but be warned – a third of the available 100 seats were sold within four hours of the initial announcement. If you wish to attend, call 6619-6890, or email clubcanadaPLUS @gmail .com Tickets will be delivered to your home or office in Panama City, or may be picked up in Bella Vista.