Construction companies cause of floods that spoiled the Trump party finale

After floods spoiled the grand exit of developer Donald Trump, on Wednesday, July 6, Panama’s Ministry of Public Works (MOP) has finally reached a conclusion on the cause of street flooding in newly built quarters of the city.
It’s the same conclusion that many observers and dwellers in the concrete jungles and monster towers have long held. The construction companies that built their castles in the sky are the cause.
That will bring little satisfaction to the organizers of the “Grand opening” of the Trump Ocean Club, which pushed blood and killings off the front page of the country’s leading tabloid to show “gringo” cars with water above their wheels, and traffic chaos as it truly rained on what was to have been Donald Trump’s grand exit. Instead water poured into the lobby of his latest flagship. Welcome to Panama, where it’s safer to plan events in the dry season.
Eliecer Broce, MOP director of inspections says that the repeated flooding in Punta Pacifica, home to high end apartment towers is due to constructors damage to pipes installed in the sector, adding that companies have to calculate their work and perform with quality.
Broce said that for over a year, the MOP has tried to clean pipes in the area of PuntaPacifica, which have collapsed in several places
The MOP has repaired two points and is trying to repair a third."Construction companies have not taken the necessary care he said.” He emphasized that builders dump construction debris into the drainage systems. "We found wooden form,work, blocks and all sorts of things {ja thumbnail off}.
"Cement trucks wash their debris and dump it into the drains, and then leave the MOP to figure out how to clean the pipelines".