Business Chamber calls on Government to face up to reality


Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries, and Agriculture (Cciap) called on the Government to react to the different social and economic scenarios that the country lives and give signs of how it will proceed in the face of these challenges.

The closure of the Donoso mine, the reformulation of the general state budget for 2024, the austerity measures, and specific actions to alleviate the ravages suffered by thousands of producers, and small and micro-entrepreneurs after the unjustified stoppage last month, are some of the situations posed by the business community.

“Citizens demand answers, transparency, leadership, responsible actions, and, above all,  constant communication. However, the feeling is the opposite, that nothing is simply happening, there is no coherent, realistic and much less immediate reaction,” is reflected in the weekly letter from the Chamber of Commerce, chaired by Adolfo Fábrega.

After the ruling of unconstitutionality by the Supreme Court of Justice on the Donoso mining contract it is highlighted that with this decision the operational challenge is just beginning to orderly close the mine.

However, it is noted that this is a responsibility with sufficient environmental, financial, and human risks for the Executive to have demonstrated some diligence.

“Instead, all we have seen is an insufficient statement, forced by public opinion, with supposed future measures, issued by the same authorities responsible for the disaster where they have taken us and evidencing a great conflict of interest.”

It is requested that attention be paid as soon as possible to the consequences that the agricultural and tourism sectors are suffering, due to the violence and intransigence of radical groups that blocked the country against authorities that could not guarantee the fundamental right of free movement.

The Cciap warns that to date it is unknown how the mine closure will proceed and that every minute that passes increases the risk of an environmental catastrophe if immediate actions are not taken.

“The absence of actions by the National Government has been constant and inexcusable; Letting the ball pass and kicking it forward seems to have become the normal form of public administration, without facing the serious consequences that derive from that immobility; or worse yet, trying to carry this crisis quietly and under the carpet until the current administration ends.


Regarding the general state budget for 2024, the business sector emphasizes that it is only known about an alleged reformulation announced by the Minister of Economy and Finance and that this also occurred due to citizen pressure.

“Likewise, it is stated that there is concern regarding the president of the Budget Commission of the National Assembly [Benicio Robinson] who is defiant and arrogant and does not seem to have learned anything from the widespread citizen complaints and fatigue. This is a critical issue, which will have enormous repercussions, not only on the administration that takes office in just six months but on the entire national economy.”


Another aspect that the Cciap urges leaders to pay attention to as soon as possible is the consequences that the agricultural and tourism sectors are suffering, due to the violence and intransigence of radical groups that blocked the country against authorities that could not guarantee fundamental rights. of free transit.

It is recalled that these sectors continue waiting to know what plans the current government administration has to support them in redirecting a situation that will in fact produce losses of all kinds.

“Seeing everything about which no measures have been taken, it seems secondary to resume the demand for an austerity plan by State institutions, but it is not. The country’s economic outlook is difficult, with the possible loss of investment grade, and its effects on the cost of financing for everyone. The significant challenge of resuming a fiscal consolidation process that generates trust and the scenario of international arbitrations, all of which require us to embark on an era of austerity and true commitment to the responsible management of public finances.