Breakfast with Gerry D on snooze

Out and About

If you have missed  The Cool FM “Breakfast Show”   mixture of music, news and reviews with your morning repast recently, take heart. Soft tongued host Gerry D,  has pressed the snooze button while technical problems are being sorted out. He will be back. 

Newsroom Panama contributes a news feed to the program, which was reaching a rapidly growing audience, with its eclectic  music and commentaries and it was running on 89.3 FM, Monday through Friday from 7-9 a.m.–   In English of course.
Gerry D gets to sleep in while technical problems are solvedNewsroom Editor David Young appeared each morning at eight to give listeners a news summary and exchange views with the host and visiting guests.
He has received a letter from Gerry D, which follows. In the meantime stay tuned to Newsroom. We will alert you when the technical glitches have been solved.
To the editor,
Thank you for the input you have been passing on from your readers…. Good and bad… This will all be considered.

However we have been experiencing severe problems with our connection to Cool FM. "The Breakfast Show" is a joint production between the Panama Broadcasting Corp (an audio production company) and Cool FM the radio station.
The station uses a computer generated output for its normal transmission and we have been linking to the PBC studio via the Internet for the morning transmission. This worked perfectly for the first three weeks then Monday April 26 we started to find that the feed was being restricted somewhere along the line… And then miraculously return sometime during the first hour, I tried to make the best of the situation coming back on air when the connection was reestablished, however this is pretty tardy and unprofessional, as one of your readers commented "the guy just starts the program when he feels like it".
Last Friday the equipment was updated with the latest software and tested satisfactorily and was connected all weekend… On Monday (May 3) (we had no link up. The Internet can be a bit finicky and susceptible to external influences, so whilst the issue is being investigated we have decided to suspend transmissions or run them on a test basis so that when we come back on line it will be to supply a regular and professional service.
Please convey our apologies to your readers and be assured we are doing our best to put "The Breakfast Show" back on air regularly and in totality.
Best regards
Gerry D (Dowden)
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