NEW ON THE BLOCK: A Caf well Met

By Margot Thomas

PANAMA produces some of the finest coffee in the world, in fact “grown in Panama”  signs hang in high end cafes throughout the world, from Australia to Japan, Europe, and back across the Atlantic to Canada.

KLM airlines in flight  magazine recently devoted space to a review of the top six dispensers of the tasty brew in Sydney, New South Wales,  and newsroom’s on the spot investigator confirms that Panama coffee is featured in most of them.

Sadly, like the prophet, the Panama   grown bean gets little  up front recognition at home, which may be  just as well as  the quality of the brew in many outlets does not reflect the quality of the bean.

But there are some bright spots and in future editions I will attempt to reveal them.

First on my list I discovered during a shopping expedition to Albrook Mall. Near the end of my shop-till you-drop mission I came to the Koala entrance and wandered in to the Tryp Hotel lobby to  meet a visiting friend There I discovered the recently opened Café Met, which not only provided a resting place for tired feet, but an outstanding cup of Arabic  Zancona coffee, 100% Panamanian.

While waiting for my friend I explored the sensational array of patisseries, and while on my second pick me up cup explored the soups sandwich and dessert menu, all served quickly and  with a smile.

The discovery was a welcome addition to my shopping venture, and while there a friendly staffer informed me that you can also purchase cakes and desserts for at home or office events.

She told me too that later in the year, on December 11, the eve of Carols by Candlelight, one of the participating  choirs will be giving a free performance, and, spectators will be able to obtain tickets for the performance on The Cinta Costera or purchase souvenir candles in aid of  Vision of Hope and Hospital Santo Tomas, and, of course, sample that delicious Panama coffee.
The Met Café  is open from 7:00am – 8:00pm

Phone: 307.0250