OPINION: Watching the watchdogs

The Council of Public Security and National Defense emerged in 1991, as a protective mechanism of the young democracy. Then, as now, the Council should detect, identify, analyze and follow up on the most serious and serious threats against democratic stability, the rule of law and the well-being of Panamanians. This entity is the only official institution that can have espionage and intelligence teams in our country. Precisely for this reason, the institutional framework of the Council is extremely important for democracy. During the government of Ricardo Martinelli it was decreed that the Council lose its inter-institutional nature to become an agency that responded directly to the President of the Republic. Now, the Security Minister appointed by the incoming government has indicated that legal reforms will be made so that the Council can not judicialize information. The very laudable purpose confuses the disease with the sheet, since the Council’s problem is not its capacity to generate information, but who controls it and what it does with it. This debate should include the Financial Analysis Unit, the main body for combating money laundering, and which is also attached to the Presidency of the Republic. An open society needs civilian intelligence institutions that operate under the rule of law and to enforce it. but who controls it and what it does with it. LA PRENSA, May 25