OPINION: Panama’s future condemned

The results of the PISA test are shocking. Between 2009 and 2018, Panamanian scores worsened against the average of OECD countries. This, despite the fact that in the past decade three salary increases were granted to teachers and the Universal Scholarship was established.

During the five years between 2009 and 2014, we did not want to evaluate Panamanian education with international parameters. What is not measured, even if the results are terrible, cannot be corrected. Most 15-year-old Panamanian students cannot solve basic math problems or understand what they read. That is the product of so much improvisation, politicking and perverse clientelism, with which Panamanian education has been poisoned.

 We have had 12 ministers of the branch in 30 years. Plans and strategies long agreed by one administration are thrown away by the next. All Panamanians must be deeply angry and upset with what happens with our education. We are condemning the country to lose the future.- LA PRENSA, Dec.4