Lawmaker's unforgivable attack

What happened yesterday [April 22] among PRD deputies is unforgivable. Not only was there physical aggression against a woman, but “bullying” prevailed at a meeting of state affairs.

The protagonist of this barbarism is the same deputy who has repeatedly disrespected the police in Colón, lives by stirring up illegal strikes in ports and invitations  to pray in parliament.

 In addition, this deputy boasts of being a university professor. What can he teach?

The PRD has the way to solve this problem by expelling the deputy from its ranks and supporting the corresponding complaints before the Supreme Court for gender violence and physical aggression. The damage suffered by the country’s governance in such difficult times is immense. If you, gentlemen of the PRD, are not capable of doing the right thing, you will condemn the country. LA PRENSA,Apr.23