In search of an Electoral Judge with integrity

On December 5, 2019, María Eugenia López Arias -together with four substitute magistrates- took office as a member of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ). That day, the President of the Republic said: “You are here for your merits. owing to the Constitution and to the laws of the country. They are absolutely not owed to anyone else.”

As the facts have shown that in electoral justice there are those who do not understand the same thing, the Supreme Court has the opportunity to show the country that that challenge from the president two years and three months ago will prevail. Panama does not have to continue to exist in spite of its institutions, but thanks to them, and that the Court, which is competent to hear aspects such as the application of the principle of specialty, be the one that pronounces and not those who have taken that attribution by assault.

This year, the CSJ is responsible for appointing Heriberto Araúz’s replacement, who ends his term as magistrate of the Electoral Tribunal in November. The Court has a responsibility to ensure that the new judge has the necessary integrity to carry out that position with dignity. Just as opportunity is a fundamental factor in perpetrating fraud, it is also a fundamental factor in improving – LA PRENSA, MAR. 27.