Panamanian Justice has a long way to go

The Judicial Branch announced yesterday the sentence to five years in prison for the son of a former magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice, accused of selling rulings. Illicit was proven and a case was exposed. But is he the only one? Given the dubious references that our Supreme Court of Justice has, it is more than unlikely that this is the only one. So much so, that in this case the father of the condemned man was never tried, despite the fact that he was denounced in the National Assembly. And it is a disastrous coincidence that, while this sentence was being handed down, a decision was issued in the Electoral Court to prevent, precisely, that a former president of the Republic be prosecuted by ordinary justice, thanks to the fact that two of the three magistrates issued a ruling that saves him from it. Panamanian justice has a long way to go. – LA PRENSA, Mar. 29.