Re-election prioritized over patient care



In the aftermath of the covid-19 pandemic, the National Assembly has clearly conveyed what its priorities are for next year. And these have nothing to do with hospitals or with health or with their services, investments, or personnel. What the budget for the fiscal year 2023 tells us is that the re-election of the government is just around the corner and the State funds must be used to seek that objective. Public hospitals -such as Santo Tomás- will have to wait, as well as their users, patients, and staff, because the money in 2023 is not for those “trifles”. It is to guarantee that the PRD governs again for five more years. And if some die along the way due to lack of budget, well, that is the price that the people must pay for having rulers like that. That is the message that the budget for 2023 conveys to us. Administrative staff and doctors have expressed their concern, because the allocation of funds for the next year will not be enough, and they warn of protests for this reason. The lack of hospitals contrasts with the funds allocated to political patronage. Nothing matters anymore to these people as long as they stay – LA PRENSA, Oct. 28.