Flip-flop on the use of masks in schools


In the midst of the sixth wave of the pandemic and the arrival of new variants of the Covid-19 virus, the Government, once again, has made contradictory announcements about the use of masks to prevent contagion in schools in the country. On the one hand, the Minister of Education announced that the use of masks in classrooms is discretionary, although previously, the Educational Region of Central Panama had warned that their use would once again be mandatory in schools. How does the Ministry of Education expect parents, teachers, and students to react? This same type of confusion was notorious at the beginning of the pandemic, but, at this point, it is inconceivable that there is no coordination – in an institution that supposedly teaches – on the use of masks. Now it is not known which instruction to follow, Therefore, it would be advisable that they make a joint decision and formally communicate it, since now we have variants that represent a danger to the entire population, so the Ministry of Health also has the responsibility to inform when the vaccine reinforcements will be available. Please act in coordination. LA PRENSA, Nov. 29.