Good news shrouded in the smoke of protests


Very good news for Panama has gone almost unnoticed, given the persistent and progressive protests against the mining contract and those who insisted on making it a reality. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) finally excluded Panama from its dishonorable list of non-cooperative countries regarding money laundering and terrorist financing. It is a great achievement since the country has been on that list three times. The last time he entered just when the current government was going to take office. After four years and important adjustments to its legislation, it achieved the desired exclusion.

 Panama thus complies with 15 points of an action plan agreed upon with the FATF, in accordance with international standards. It is an achievement that has been expected for some time and now it is time to apply the legislation and demonstrate its effectiveness not only on paper but also with facts, which is one of the reasons why we are always with one foot in and one foot out, according to the prism with which you look at it. Good news, but with no effect in the current situation and tarnished by the strength of a movement that brings more and more people to the streets every day. – LA PRENSA, Oct. 28.