Government backs down on medical privatization plan

The contents of the  controversial Public Private Partnership (PPP), bill which has led to a nation wide withdrawal of public health services are being changed.

The work stoppage started here

The Minister of Economy and Finance (MEF), Frank De Lima, revealed that it will exclude health, education and prisons, as  sectors eligible for the new regime under which companies can  receive multiyear contract   and also be responsible for operating the development of services.

"The law would only apply for PPP infrastructure projects. The spirit  of the project  has been  misunderstood and   we prefer to make changes” said De Lima..
The formula that would keep   control of  approved projects would also be changed.
The original plan was to have a group of three in charge: the president, the Minister of the Presidency and the Minister of Finance and Economy.
The change would give the power to the Ministers of Trade, Economy and Public Works, the manager of the National Bank and a representative of the National Assembly.
From the statements of De Lima  says La Prensa  it  could be interpreted that the Government gave in to union pressure, especially the medical groups opposed to the project on the grounds it would lead to the privatization of hospital services.
Doctors and administrators of   the Social Security Fund and the Ministry of Health said Friday that they had not received any notification about the changes mentioned by the Minstry of Health and the strike will continue indefinitely with a protest  march set for Monday.