Attorney General moves on denunciation of Security Minister over suspect contracts

THE PUBLIC MINISTRY (MP) has accepted a denunciation filed against the security minister, Jose Raul Mulino, and others for alleged irregularities in $250 million contracts with  an Italian conglomerate.

Jose Raul Mulino

The complaint was made by  Oreste River Sandoval, leader of the Partido Popular (PP) against Jose Raul Mulino, and others for alleged irregularities in deals with the Italian conglomerate Finmeccanica, now under investigation in Italy for alleged world wide bribery.

This was filed on December 20 by Del Rio in a personal capacity, said the Secretariat of the MP.

Del Rio stated that investigates and Finmeccanica of Italy have a "black fund" to bribe politicians, Panama should also investigate the contracts.

He called for Mulino to be investigated and those responsible for crimes against public administration, to clarify the contract between  the Panamanian government with Italy, and to investigate the possible payment of a commission of 10% to the company Agafea Corp.

Finmeccanica, which is linked the fugitive Italian Valter Lavítola, is being investigated in Italy for the payment of bribes.

On August 3, 2010, the Cabinet authorized the Ministry of Security to sign direct contracts with the companies Selex Systems and Agusta-Integrati Finmeccanica subsidiaries for the purchase of 19 radarand six helicopters, and the Ministry of Public Works to sign with the company Telespazio for digital mapping.

The resolutions were signed by President Ricardo Martinelli, Mulino, the Chancellor and the Ministers of Economy, Education, Public Works, Health, Labor, Commerce, Housing, Agricultural Development, Social Development, Canal Affairs and the Presidency.  Mulino denies that there was  anything illegal.