HMS Montrose visit starts UK community celebrations

It’s a busy week for  UK Embassy staff, led by ambassador M.J.Holloway as they work on multiple events marking the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elisabeth II and London’s staging of the Olympics.

The  timetable kicked off on Tuesday evening as guests who have contributed to building recognition of the embassy’s role in expanding trade links with Panama, were welcomed aboard HMS Montrose, a Duke 23  Class frigate.

Montrose is currently  part of theThe Atlantic Patrol Task (South) whose mission statement is: “To provide reassurance to UK overseas territories, Commonwealth countries and other friendly nations in the South Atlantic, and acts as a deterrent to potential aggressors who may wish to threaten UK nations, territory or interests.

Commander Lett

Prior to this assignment, Montrose, named after a small town on the east coast of Scotland, was deployed in the Indian Ocean as part of the Nato Task Force combating piracy and had several successful interceptions to her credit.

The visitors were entertained to a cocktail party  on the ship’s quarterdeck prior to the “Sunset”  ceremony when the White Ensign is lowered.

For one old salt  the realization that not one of the crew was born when he served in the Royal Navy, was a poignant reminder that  time is passing by. There is a saying in Britain that you realize you are growing old when the London Bobbies start to look very young. 

The old and the new

The officers and crew of HMS Montrose, including serving women officers and ratings,  captained by Commander Johnathon  Lett underlined the theme.

The frigate sailed for New Orleans on Wednesday, giving most of the crew their first trip through the Panama Canal.

On Thursday, April 12, there  will be an official Diamond Jubilee reception at the ambassador’s residence.

The colour guard for the sunset  ceremony

On Sunday April 15 The Road to London charity race over 10 and 5 kilometers and 1 kilometer for children.

The event starts at the Mirimar Intercontinental Hotel on the Cinta Costera at 7 am. To register go the UK Embassy website.